Spring 2024 Meeting
Press Release:
Members are welcome to send this press release to their hometown paper or the Spokesman.
Iowa Master Farm Homemakers Focus on Good Deeds
Helping others is what Iowa Master Farm Homemakers do. Women selected as members of the Iowa Master Farm Homemakers Guild (IMFH) strive to make life better for others in their communities, churches and in numerous organizations on the local, state and national level, while sharing farm responsibilities, running businesses and raising their families. Prior to the group’s spring meeting in April, a group of members took time to teach elementary-age children about farming and farm life in Iowa.
One group visited with third graders at Southdale Elementary in Cedar Falls while another group talked with first graders at the Hudson Elementary school in Hudson. “The children were very receptive and asked lots of questions,” said Joyce Stover from Mediapolis, chair of the IMFH service projects committee. “As farmers become a smaller percentage of the population, it’s even more important for young people to know where their food comes from.”
The IMFH members left age-appropriate books and thoroughly enjoyed their time with the students. Participating in the project were IMFH members Stover; Kelly Keitzer, Mediapolis; Marylou Ahrens, Osage; Donna Williams, Wapello; Leah Maass, Ellsworth; Darla Thompson, Thompson; Mary Boysen, Wapello; Judy Leistikow, Readlyn and JoAnn Alumbaugh, Linden.
Ronald McDonald House Support
Last fall, IMFH members did meal prep at the Ronald McDonald House in Des Moines while others made quilts for kids who need to stay at the Ronald McDonald House while receiving treatment. Those quilts were on display at the spring meeting and will be given to the Ronald McDonald House this fall during the group’s annual meeting and awards program.
Two 2024 IMFH Scholarships Awarded
In 2023, IMFH members voted to establish a new Iowa Master Farm Homemaker Scholarship of $500. The annual award was first given to Allison Rygh, who is presently attending Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minn. This year, two Iowa high school senior girls will receive $500 scholarships. The 2024 winners are Jenna Hellman from Denmark, Iowa, who will be attending Iowa State University; and Lauren Briggs from Burlington, Iowa, who will be attending Northwest Missouri State.
Recipients are chosen based on how they exhibit the values of the organization, including education, life-long learning and volunteerism. These state-based scholarships are in addition to the annual Ruth B. Sayre national scholarship, which is also supported by IMFH.
If you know an Iowa farm woman who should be recognized for her accomplishments on the farm and in her community, go to: www.iowamasterfarmhomemaker.org and fill out the IMFH nomination application.
The group’s fall meeting and recognition luncheon will be held on Friday, September 6, at the Airport Holiday Inn, Des Moines.